Minggu, 10 Juli 2011


ROWOJAMBE tidak seperti hari hari biasa,kami dan teman teman cuma main muter muter di pantai pulau merah bahkan cuma nongkrong di rumah sambil lihat cewek- cewek lewat,..kali ini berbeda tentunya lebih mantap dengan di banding minggu sebelumnya.kami dan teman -teman lagi menikmati ikan bakar ramai-ramai.wah,,,,? rasanya tak kalah lezatnya dengan warung lesehan pulau merah.kami semua merasa pusing kepala karena terlalu banyak makan ikan.? maklum ikan harganya sangat murah, cuma Rp4000/kg ikan.jadi gk tanggung- tangung beli ikanh banyak heeheheh.memang pelabuhan pancer saat ini lagi musim ikan,banyak perahu muncar yang bersandar di pelabuhan pancer,di sebabkan para nelayan muncar mendapat penangkapan ikan di dekat laut pancer,sehingga mereka membawanya kepancer cz muncar muncar terlalu jauh kalau lewat laut?mereka membawanya melalui darat dengan cara di angkut oleh truk melalui jalur darat muncar pancer.sehingga jalan depan rumah ku jadi bau ikan he...he..he...tapi,tak apalah itu kan cuma limbah ikan?????????? terus bagaimana kalau limbah tambang emas yang datang nanti??????? hanya Allah swt yang tahu. by yannto61@yahoo.com

ROWOJAMBE not like the day a normal day, we were just friends and friends play on the coast of the island of red and even just hanging out at home as he saw the girls passing by, .. this time it is different of course more steadily with the appeal in the week before we and friends longer enjoy the grilled fish-.wah crowded,,,,? it's no less delicious with stalls lesehan redisland .we all feel dizzy because of eating too much fish.? understand the fish price is very cheap, only half-gk Rp4000/kg fish buy i many ports heeheheh.so pancer current fishing season again, many boats in the harbor that rely Muncar pancer caused the fishermen fishing Muncar gets near pancer sea, so they took him kepancer cz Muncar Muncar too far if by sea? they brought overland by way of the freight by truck overland Muncar pancer.so street in front of my house so the smell of fish he ... he .. he .. . but, never mind it's just a waste of fish ?????????? continue what if the gold mine waste that comes later ??????? only Allah knows. by yannto61@yahoo.com